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From Trained Leaders
"It helped me to prepare for facilitating and I really appreciated going through it as a leader on my own and then seeing other leaders facilitate so I could have a better idea on how to do it and feel comfortable with it."
"I liked being able to open up the session kits and see the materials. I also liked getting to look through the lesson plan book (love how it's organized) to see all the information that is provided for us."
"It was excellent - very detailed and organized. The hands on experience and presentations were very helpful."
"The training made me think about many of these issues in my own family and reflect on how we are dealing with them."​


From Religious Ed Staff
"Very exciting program! Love the parental involvement. Fills the gap between Baptism and First Communion."
"This (training) was very informative and gave me the practice to proceed with implementation. The hands-on sessions were especially valuable."
"I really enjoyed the training and am so exited to bring ECFL back to my parish. I know the benefits will be priceless."
"Great program! Will give parents of young children the tools they need to empower their children with faith."
"Thank you very much for this beautiful program. It will be our honor to go forth and share the good news."
"Wonderful! What timing! I was actively looking for a parent/child program - and here you are!"​



From Parents
"My son looked forward to attending ECFL each week. He learned different things and would share what he learned with other family members." 
"It made me think about my faith and how much of a role my faith plays in my life."
"This has been a great experience for me and my child. With him being so young this was a good time to reach him so he would learn about God's love."
"I am walking away after each session not only with new information but most importantly that spiritual energy I most need to be a good mother."
"Speaking with other faithful families has helped to strengthen my faith and confirm our decision regarding church and schooling with our children."
"We continue to talk about Jesus and the saints on a daily basis and the activities and little projects remind us to pray."


2015 by Joanne and Alan Foley. Proudly created with

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